Website in a day

A fully designed website, with all the pages you need, conceived and designed within one day.

Need a website in a day?

[DEEPL British English]

Wouldn't it be nice if you could arrange the design of your website in 1 day? And that you could spar about it with a party that does nothing else? With the guarantee that at the end of the day the design of your site is as you want it to be?

Webkracht offers a website-in-a-day option, for entrepreneurs who don't like to procrastinate!

Why a website-in-a-day?

Time is money, every entrepreneur knows that. Ideally, you want to spend as little time as possible thinking up your site. But at the same time, it is difficult to find the time to think calmly about what would be good for designing or rebuilding your website. Webkracht now has a solution for that: website-in-a-day!

What do I get?

A complete custom design, based on your wishes and needs. The website will be completely finished at the end of the day. The day(s) after, it will be built by the programming team and equipped with a CMS, such as Exolog or Drupal.


What is the programme?

1. Inventory (9:00am - 10:00am)
Webkracht's designer comes to your premises, or we meet at your office. In an intake and interview, we make a list of all requirements, preconditions and functions.

2. Sketches (10:00 - 12:00)
Based on house style elements, example sites and style preferences, we get to work on sketches. At the end of the morning, there will be a basic design for the homepage.

3. Final design (13:00 - 14:30)
The final design will be made in consultation.

4. Design of other pages (14:30 - 18:00h)
After the homepage is finalised, the other pages are designed.

In the follow-up phase, the following day or days, the website is programmed and delivered.

What is required of you?

- Inventory of house style elements (logo, stationery, business card, photos, colours, etc)

  • - A number of good example sites
  • - Rough structure and layout of the site
  • - Specific requirements, functions or preconditions
  • - List of major competitors

What does it cost?

Rates depend on the number of pages required, the presence of a corporate identity and a number of other factors. Contact us for options and a tailor-made quote.


Need a website in a day?

[ChatGPT British English]

Wouldn't it be great if you could get your website design sorted in just 1 day? And that you could discuss it with a company that does nothing else? With the guarantee that at the end of the day, your site design will be exactly as you want it?

Webkracht offers a website-in-a-day option for entrepreneurs who don't like to procrastinate!

Why choose a website-in-a-day?

Time is money, every entrepreneur knows that. You want to spend as little time as possible on designing your site. But at the same time, it's difficult to find the time to calmly think about what would be good for designing or rebuilding your website. Webkracht now has a solution for this: website-in-a-day!

What will I get?

A fully customized design, based on your wishes and needs. The website will be completely finished at the end of the day. The next day(s), it will be built by the programming team and equipped with a CMS, such as Exolog or Drupal.


What is the program?

1. Inventory (9:00am - 10:00am)
The designer from Webkracht will come to you. Or we can meet at the Webkracht office. In an intake interview, we will create a list of all your wishes, prerequisites, and features.

2. Sketching (10:00am - 12:00pm)
Based on your corporate identity elements, sample sites, and style preferences, we will start sketching. By the end of the morning, we will have a basic layout for the homepage.

3. Final design (1:00pm - 2:30pm)
The final design will be created in consultation.

4. Designing other pages (2:30pm - 6:00pm)
Once the homepage is finalized, the other pages will be designed.

In the next phase, the website will be programmed and delivered on the following day or days.

What do we need from you?

- Inventory of corporate identity elements (logo, letterhead, business card, photos, colors, etc.)

  • - A few good sample sites
  • - Rough structure and layout of the site
  • - Specific wishes, features, or prerequisites
  • - List of important competitors

What does it cost?

The rates depend on the number of desired pages, the presence of a corporate identity, and a few other factors. Contact us for the possibilities and a custom quote.



Need a website in a day?

Wouldn't it be great if you could get the design of your website sorted in just one day? And that you could discuss this with a company that specializes in it? With the guarantee that at the end of the day, the design of your site will be exactly how you want it to be?

Webkracht offers a website-in-a-day option for entrepreneurs who don't like to waste time!

Why choose a website-in-a-day?

Time is money, every entrepreneur knows that. You'd prefer to spend as little time as possible figuring out your website. But at the same time, it's difficult to find the time to think about what would be best for designing or rebuilding your website. Webkracht has a solution for this: website-in-a-day!

What will I get?

You'll get a fully customized design, based on your wishes and needs. The website will be completely finished at the end of the day. The day(s) after, it will be built and equipped with a CMS, such as Exolog or Drupal.


What is the program?

1. Inventory (9:00 am - 10:00 am)
The Webkracht designer will come to you. Or we'll meet at Webkracht's office. In an intake interview, we'll make a list of all your wishes, prerequisites, and functions.

2. Sketching (10:00 am - 12:00 pm)
Based on your corporate identity elements, example sites, and style preferences, we'll start sketching. At the end of the morning, there will be a basic layout for the homepage.

3. Final design (1:00 pm - 2:30 pm)
The final design will be created in consultation with you.

4. Designing other pages (2:30 pm - 6:00 pm)
After the homepage is final, the other pages will be designed.

In the follow-up phase, the website will be programmed and delivered the next day or days.

What do we need from you?

- Inventory of corporate identity elements (logo, letterhead, business card, photos, colors, etc.)

  • - A few good example sites
  • - Rough structure and layout of the site
  • - Specific wishes, functions, or prerequisites
  • - List of important competitors

What does it cost?

The rates depend on the number of desired pages, the presence of a corporate identity, and a few other factors. Contact us for the possibilities and a custom quote.

Are you ready
to make it a

Schedule a coffee or Zoom meeting with Martijn on 06 480 840 58 or via email

Wat kost een website bij jullie?

Een goeie vraag, maar wel lastig om te beantwoorden, omdat het antwoordt juist om jouw wensen en behoeften draait. 

Het bouwen van een op-maat ontworpen en geprogrammeerde website is een ander verhaal dan simpelweg een template kiezen een wat aanpassen. Uitgebreide websites, portals, extranets en webshops met diverse koppelingen komen vanzelfsprekend vele malen hoger uit dan eenvoudige websites. Neem vooral contact op met jouw vraag!

Hoe snel kunnen jullie aan de slag?

Ons motto is 'zo snel mogelijk!' Dat betekent dat we vaak dezelfde week kunnen afspreken. Dat kan een online meeting zijn, maar ook een meeting bij ons op kantoor in Tilburg, bij jouw bedrijf of ergens tussenin.

De start van jouw project vindt, dus het begin van het functionele ontwerp of de vormgeving, vindt altijd plaats binnen 2 weken. Programmeren, testen en opleveren doen we aansluitend, om de doorlooptijd zo kort mogelijk te houden.

Ben je al klant ? Dan helpen we natuurlijk als dat lukt dezelfde dag nog!

Welke software of CMS adviseren jullie?

Welke software of CMS jou het beste is, hangt helemaal van jouw wensen af. Er is veel software beschikbaar waarmee je goede websites en webprojecten kunt opzetten.

We werken het liefste met open source systemen, of met systemen waar we ruime ervaring hebben, zodat we voor de kwaliteit van ons werk in kunnen instaan. We werken ondermeer met Wordpress, Drupal, Magento en TYPO3. Daarnaast werken we met het framework Laravel en het Laravel-gebaseerde CMS Exolog.

Elk systeem kent voor- en nadelen, die we graag met jou bespreken, zodat jij altijd de beste keuze voor jouw project maakt. Heb je zelf een interessant systeem, slimme software of een geweldig CMS wat we moeten kennen? Bespreek het vooral met ons!

Wat verwachten jullie vooraf van mij ?

Als je start met je webproject, is het handig om over een aantal dingen na te denken. Dat geldt ook als je een vraag heb op het gebied van marketing, overzetting van je website of verbetering van je SEO of conversie.

We hebben ook een mooi blogartikel geschreven over vijf dingen die je moet weten voordat je een website gaat beginnen.

Verder verwachten we natuurlijk dat we op een leuke en produktieve manier samen kunnen werken. Dat doen we wat ons betreft op een zo makkelijk en transparant mogelijke manier. Je praat bij ons altijd met mensen die verstand hebben van hun vakgebied en bevlogen zijn over wat ze doen.

Doen jullie ook aan hosting en onderhoud?

Jazeker! We doen al het technische onderhoud aan de website. Dat is niet alleen de hosting, maar ook het onderhoud van je website, applicatie of eigen server.

Vaak kiezen onze klanten er zelf voor om met hun website te werken en de inhoud te verzorgen. Maar ook dat kun je aan ons overlaten als je daar geen tijd voor hebt of het gewoon graag wilt uitbesteden. 

Samen met jou kijken we  graag hoe we het inrichten of overzetten en bijhouden van je website en social media kunnen verzorgen.