5 things you need to know before starting a website

10 november 2021 | by Martijn Visser

How can we best work together?

Your website is an important part of your business. And since we like to get things right and you as a business owner probably do too, it's important to know exactly what you want.

But we also understand that sometimes it can be difficult to explain exactly what you want. So here are a few tips to consider before you contact us with your ideas.We'd love to hear what you envision, from the look to the content, so we can tailor a website to suit all your preferences and needs.

What is the purpose of your website?

This is by far the most important thing to know. After all, if you don't know the purpose of your website, how should we know? We can't build a website for you if the purpose of the site is unclear, because then it won't be an effective site.

So you need to take some time beforehand to find out exactly what your organisation or company offers and what its mission and core values are.

That way, when we have a meeting about your site, you already have a good basis for a conversation. That picture, in turn, allows us to build the most customised site possible, based on your company's purpose and core values.

Who is your website for?

Besides your business goals, you also need to know who your target audience is, or who your target audiences are! Who comes to your website? What do they come to do? What actions do they want to do? What questions do they want answered? What do they want to get out of your site?

These are questions you should ask yourself before coming to talk to us about a website. Because if you don't know your target audience, we can't create a website for you that is tailored to your business, the way you want it and to appeal to both your current customers and potential customers in your target audience.

Do you know all about search engines and SEO?

If you don't, that's nothing to worry about hear, because we can explain it all to you as we go through the process.

But sometimes people think that once the website is built and online, users will automatically find and interact with your site, and the flow of visitors will increase rapidly. That's exactly how it doesn't work. That's why it's important that in addition to your website, your SEO is also optimised.

Search engines are a bit like phone books. People would have used the phone book to find out who you are and then contact you, which is exactly what search engines do for users.

So optimising your website for search engines is the key to generating traffic on your website.

What kind of content do you need?

You may have heard of the saying 'content is king'. Well, is totally true! What you say on your website is just as important as knowing what your website is for.Content helps define your brand.It iseverything you put in front of your target audience and includes text, images, video, logo and slogans.It is important to take the time to clearly decide what your content is going to be, before starting a website. Finding it hard to decide? No problem. We are happy to think along with you about the content and can help you define a content strategy or write the right texts.

Once you know what your content will be, it is important to let the web designer know what your ideas are and what you want in terms of content, allowing the designer to perfectly align your website and the relevance of the content.

What is your budget?

The first question many business owners ask us is "How much will my website cost me?".

The standard answer from us then is always, 'Honestly, it depends on what exactly you want'. You can work with a standard template, or theme. Then you save on costs, but your website will look more like other companies.

Or you can go for a custom-made website. This is more expensive, but can be made to suit your needs completely and creates a nice distinctive website with a unique look.

Keep in mind that a website is a long-term investment for your business. So it is worth spending just that little bit extra. Especially when your site is most likely the first impression a user will get of your business and your goal is to get sales from your website.

The questions answered... now what?

By now, do you have a good idea of who you are, what you want and what you need? Nice! Hopefully these tips have contributed to that. We would like to get to know you, your ambitions and your project.

Call Martijn Visser on 06 480 840 58, schedule an online meeting or email us and we'll make an appointment soon.

ps: Finding it difficult to answer some questions for your company? Don't hesitate and enlist our help for this too.

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